Hanuman Chalisa In Bengali (হনুমান্ চালীসা)

Hanuman Chalisa In Bengali
Hanuman Chalisa In Bengali

Hanuman Chalisa In Bengali please find it below. Find Hanuman Chalisa in other languages from here.

হনুমান্ চালীসা

শ্রী গুরু চরণ সরোজ রজ নিজমন মুকুর সুধারি ।
বরণৌ রঘুবর বিমলযশ জো দাযক ফলচারি ॥
বুদ্ধিহীন তনুজানিকৈ সুমিরৌ পবন কুমার ।
বল বুদ্ধি বিদ্যা দেহু মোহি হরহু কলেশ বিকার ॥

জয হনুমান জ্ঞান গুণ সাগর ।
জয কপীশ তিহু লোক উজাগর ॥ 1 ॥

রামদূত অতুলিত বলধামা ।
অংজনি পুত্র পবনসুত নামা ॥ 2 ॥

মহাবীর বিক্রম বজরংগী ।
কুমতি নিবার সুমতি কে সংগী ॥3 ॥

কংচন বরণ বিরাজ সুবেশা ।
কানন কুংডল কুংচিত কেশা ॥ 4 ॥

হাথবজ্র ঔ ধ্বজা বিরাজৈ ।
কাংথে মূংজ জনেবূ সাজৈ ॥ 5॥

শংকর সুবন কেসরী নংদন ।
তেজ প্রতাপ মহাজগ বংদন ॥ 6 ॥

বিদ্যাবান গুণী অতি চাতুর ।
রাম কাজ করিবে কো আতুর ॥ 7 ॥

প্রভু চরিত্র সুনিবে কো রসিযা ।
রামলখন সীতা মন বসিযা ॥ 8॥

সূক্ষ্ম রূপধরি সিযহি দিখাবা ।
বিকট রূপধরি লংক জলাবা ॥ 9 ॥

ভীম রূপধরি অসুর সংহারে ।
রামচংদ্র কে কাজ সংবারে ॥ 10 ॥

লায সংজীবন লখন জিযাযে ।
শ্রী রঘুবীর হরষি উরলাযে ॥ 11 ॥

রঘুপতি কীন্হী বহুত বডাযী (ঈ) ।
তুম মম প্রিয ভরত সম ভাযী ॥ 12 ॥

সহস্র বদন তুম্হরো যশগাবৈ ।
অস কহি শ্রীপতি কংঠ লগাবৈ ॥ 13 ॥

সনকাদিক ব্রহ্মাদি মুনীশা ।
নারদ শারদ সহিত অহীশা ॥ 14 ॥

যম কুবের দিগপাল জহাং তে ।
কবি কোবিদ কহি সকে কহাং তে ॥ 15 ॥

তুম উপকার সুগ্রীবহি কীন্হা ।
রাম মিলায রাজপদ দীন্হা ॥ 16 ॥

তুম্হরো মংত্র বিভীষণ মানা ।
লংকেশ্বর ভযে সব জগ জানা ॥ 17 ॥

যুগ সহস্র যোজন পর ভানূ ।
লীল্যো তাহি মধুর ফল জানূ ॥ 18 ॥

প্রভু মুদ্রিকা মেলি মুখ মাহী ।
জলধি লাংঘি গযে অচরজ নাহী ॥ 19 ॥

দুর্গম কাজ জগত কে জেতে ।
সুগম অনুগ্রহ তুম্হরে তেতে ॥ 20 ॥

রাম দুআরে তুম রখবারে ।
হোত ন আজ্ঞা বিনু পৈসারে ॥ 21 ॥

সব সুখ লহৈ তুম্হারী শরণা ।
তুম রক্ষক কাহূ কো ডর না ॥ 22 ॥

আপন তেজ সম্হারো আপৈ ।
তীনোং লোক হাংক তে কাংপৈ ॥ 23 ॥

ভূত পিশাচ নিকট নহি আবৈ ।
মহবীর জব নাম সুনাবৈ ॥ 24 ॥

নাসৈ রোগ হরৈ সব পীরা ।
জপত নিরংতর হনুমত বীরা ॥ 25 ॥

সংকট সে হনুমান ছুডাবৈ ।
মন ক্রম বচন ধ্যান জো লাবৈ ॥ 26 ॥

সব পর রাম তপস্বী রাজা ।
তিনকে কাজ সকল তুম সাজা ॥ 27 ॥

ঔর মনোরথ জো কোযি লাবৈ ।
তাসু অমিত জীবন ফল পাবৈ ॥ 28 ॥

চারো যুগ প্রতাপ তুম্হারা ।
হৈ প্রসিদ্ধ জগত উজিযারা ॥ 29 ॥

সাধু সংত কে তুম রখবারে ।
অসুর নিকংদন রাম দুলারে ॥ 30 ॥

অষ্ঠসিদ্ধি নব নিধি কে দাতা ।
অস বর দীন্হ জানকী মাতা ॥ 31 ॥

রাম রসাযন তুম্হারে পাসা ।
সদা রহো রঘুপতি কে দাসা ॥ 32 ॥

তুম্হরে ভজন রামকো পাবৈ ।
জন্ম জন্ম কে দুখ বিসরাবৈ ॥ 33 ॥

অংত কাল রঘুপতি পুরজাযী ।
জহাং জন্ম হরিভক্ত কহাযী ॥ 34 ॥

ঔর দেবতা চিত্ত ন ধরযী ।
হনুমত সেযি সর্ব সুখ করযী ॥ 35 ॥

সংকট ক(হ)টৈ মিটৈ সব পীরা ।
জো সুমিরৈ হনুমত বল বীরা ॥ 36 ॥

জৈ জৈ জৈ হনুমান গোসাযী ।
কৃপা করহু গুরুদেব কী নাযী ॥ 37 ॥

জো শত বার পাঠ কর কোযী ।
ছূটহি বংদি মহা সুখ হোযী ॥ 38 ॥

জো যহ পডৈ হনুমান চালীসা ।
হোয সিদ্ধি সাখী গৌরীশা ॥ 39 ॥

তুলসীদাস সদা হরি চেরা ।
কীজৈ নাথ হৃদয মহ ডেরা ॥ 40 ॥

পবন তনয সংকট হরণ – মংগল মূরতি রূপ্ ।
রাম লখন সীতা সহিত – হৃদয বসহু সুরভূপ্ ॥
সিযাবর রামচংদ্রকী জয । পবনসুত হনুমানকী জয । বোলো ভাযী সব সংতনকী জয ।

The Hanuman Chalisa is one of the most cherished and recited hymns in Hinduism, dedicated to Lord Hanuman, the epitome of devotion, strength, and loyalty. Originally composed in Awadhi by the revered poet-saint Goswami Tulsidas in the 16th century, the Hanuman Chalisa has transcended linguistic boundaries and is now available in multiple languages, including Bengali.

For Bengali-speaking devotees, the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali offers a profound connection to the divine through the comfort of their native language. This article will explore the significance of the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali, the spiritual and mental benefits of reciting it, and how to seamlessly integrate it into your daily spiritual practices.

The Importance of Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali

The Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali is more than just a translation of the original text; it is a bridge that connects Bengali-speaking devotees with the divine essence of Lord Hanuman. Bengali, with its rich literary and cultural heritage, brings out the devotional fervor in the Hanuman Chalisa, making it resonate deeply with the people of Bengal.

Lord Hanuman is revered for his unwavering devotion to Lord Rama, his incredible strength, and his role as a protector. The Hanuman Chalisa recounts his heroic deeds, his role in the Ramayana, and his selfless service to Lord Rama. When recited in Bengali, these verses become more accessible, allowing devotees to immerse themselves fully in the spiritual experience and draw inspiration from Hanuman’s virtues.

Spiritual and Mental Benefits of Reciting Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali

  1. Enhanced Devotion: Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali deepens the connection between the devotee and Lord Hanuman. The familiarity of the language enhances understanding and allows the reciter to connect emotionally and spiritually with the hymn.
  2. Mental Peace and Clarity: The rhythmic recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali helps calm the mind and bring about mental clarity. It is believed that regular chanting helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and negative thoughts, promoting a sense of inner peace.
  3. Overcoming Obstacles: Lord Hanuman is often invoked as a remover of obstacles and difficulties. By chanting the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali, devotees can seek his blessings to overcome personal and professional challenges.
  4. Physical and Mental Strength: The powerful verses of the Hanuman Chalisa are believed to instill strength and courage in the reciter. The spiritual energy invoked by the prayer can help in building both mental resilience and physical stamina.
  5. Protection from Negativity: The Hanuman Chalisa is known to provide a protective shield against negative energies and evil influences. Reciting it in Bengali ensures that the devotee feels safeguarded by the divine presence of Hanuman.

Incorporating Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali into Daily Life

Integrating the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali into your daily routine can be a source of immense spiritual growth and positivity. Here are some practical ways to incorporate this powerful hymn into your everyday life:

  1. Morning Recitation: Begin your day with the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali. This practice sets a positive tone for the day and fills you with the divine energy needed to tackle daily challenges.
  2. Evening Chanting: Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa in the evening helps to unwind and release the tensions of the day. It brings about a sense of calm and prepares the mind for restful sleep.
  3. Family Devotion: Encourage your family members to participate in the recitation of the Hanuman Chalisa. Doing this together strengthens familial bonds and creates a spiritually uplifting environment in the home.
  4. Temple Visits: Visiting a Hanuman temple and reciting the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali in the presence of the deity can enhance your spiritual experience. The divine ambiance of the temple amplifies the hymn’s effect, bringing you closer to Hanuman.
  5. Special Occasions: On auspicious days like Hanuman Jayanti, Tuesdays, and Saturdays, devote extra time to the Hanuman Chalisa. These days are considered particularly beneficial for invoking Hanuman’s blessings.

Understanding the Structure of Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali

The Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali follows the same structure as the original Awadhi version, consisting of an introduction, 40 verses (known as “Chopais”), and a concluding prayer. Each section carries profound spiritual significance:

  • Introduction: The Chalisa begins with an invocation to Lord Hanuman, seeking his blessings and protection.
  • Chopais: The 40 verses celebrate Hanuman’s life, his divine attributes, and his unparalleled devotion to Lord Rama. These verses narrate key episodes from the Ramayana, emphasizing Hanuman’s bravery, loyalty, and wisdom.
  • Conclusion: The concluding prayer is a humble request for Hanuman’s blessings and protection. It reaffirms the devotee’s faith in Hanuman’s power and benevolence.

Finding Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali

With the advent of digital technology, accessing the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali has become easier than ever. Whether you prefer reading, listening, or watching, various resources are available to suit your needs:

  • Printed Books: Numerous publishers offer printed versions of the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali. These books are often accompanied by explanations and commentaries, providing deeper insights into the verses.
  • Mobile Apps: There are several mobile apps available that offer the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali, complete with audio recitations. These apps are convenient for daily use and can be accessed anywhere, making it easier to maintain a regular spiritual practice.
  • Online Resources: Websites and YouTube channels dedicated to Hindu spirituality often feature the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali. Devotees can find videos of recitations, often set to melodious tunes, which enhance the devotional experience.
  • PDFs and E-books: For those who prefer reading on digital devices, the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali is available in PDF and e-book formats. These can be downloaded and stored on smartphones, tablets, or computers for easy access.


The Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali is more than just a prayer; it is a spiritual tool that connects Bengali-speaking devotees with the divine presence of Lord Hanuman. By reciting the Chalisa in their native language, devotees can deepen their spiritual practice, gain mental clarity, and draw strength from Hanuman’s divine attributes.

Whether you are seeking protection, overcoming challenges, or simply looking to enhance your devotion, the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali offers a powerful means to invoke the blessings of Lord Hanuman. By incorporating it into your daily routine, you can experience the transformative power of this sacred hymn and invite divine energy into your life.

Consistency and devotion are key to reaping the full benefits of the Hanuman Chalisa in Bengali. As you make it a regular part of your spiritual practice, you will find yourself more connected with Lord Hanuman and empowered to face life’s challenges with courage and grace.